Magical 2020
Ten years ago, I was planning for 2020 in terms of the long horizon. It is now here – the dawn of a new decade. And this is a magically formed number: 2020. In my mind, zero, the circle number, stands for a circle of creativity and infinity.
The biggest lesson I have learnt over the years is that to have an extra-ordinary life (one that is out of the ordinary), you have to do extra-ordinary things. If you simply do what you’ve always done, how can you change the things that hold you back or that make you unhappy? Conversely, what do you want to keep on doing that makes you happy?
With mentorship from the extra-ordinary people and friends I have made throughout my travels, I have developed the tools to assist me in my decision-making. These include:
The horizon: I envisage annual and three-to-five-year horizons of the things I would like to do, or must do, and ideas I would like to explore or develop, and I frequently review my progress.
Financial fitness: planning to support my life choices by tracking earning, spending and investing tools to help meet my immediate and long-term commitments and plans.
The Mediterranean is a front-line region. In this volatile world, we must learn not just survival, but also how to anticipate change. Change is tough. It requires planning for rainy days, so as to make choices that offer some stability. Decision-making without a horizon can be difficult.
For 2020 I am pulling together all of my creative energy and will be enjoying the launch of Be Queen of Your Money, a new financial literacy/fitness programme for women. It will be delivered through partnerships, workshops, mentoring and online coaching. I will be writing to you with news of my progress, including my governance, advisory work and personal insights.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for the wonderful experiences of the past years, and wish you all many wonderful experiences for 2020 and beyond.
Happy New Year!