Participation of women and girls in the workforce and in education is a key pillar...
...of policy and investment focus. Politicians are measured on progress, and it is considered by investors as a bellwether indicator for dedicating capital to a scalable project.
As I write this blog, Young Mediterranean Voices – the flagship debate program connecting civil society, education and policy makers across the Mediterranean and Europe are meeting in Malta to discuss how to further a positive agenda of collaboration; next week I will be participating in the annual meeting of the Center for Mediterranean Integration with the World Bank in Paris; on September 29th the government of Cyprus will be hosting the South Mediterranean countries for a discussion on issues relevant to the region; and earlier this week Egypt hosted Eastern Mediterranean countries announcing the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) - with Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Greece, Italy and the EU as members - to promote a regional energy market for producers, consumers investing in connecting markets, and energy production.
These collaborations are significant steps in the right direction and were unthinkable only just a few years ago. Private sector investments in Energy have created a new paradigm of collaboration and opportunity. We still need less political talk and more collaborative private sector and public sector action.
The MGI will remain an active partner offering data relevant analysis on the impact of political, policy and investment decisions, as well as tools for evidence based decision making.
In this week’s infographic, Morocco demonstrates the power of reform in education and getting girls into school.
Well done Morocco.